(843) 270-0889
Non-Profit · Sustainability · Farm
Be the Change
Volunteer Experience
Want to join in the fight against hunger in the Lowcountry? Volunteers come from far and wide to help out at Sweetgrass, and we’re always looking for another pair of hands to join the effort! The time to come is Saturday mornings, where you'll find either Dale or Jennifer readying the crew. Please wear a sturdy pair of shoes, gloves and a hat so you're prepared for work on the farm.
What should you expect?
Work days on the farm start early. Around 8:30am, volunteers organize and get to work. The “to-do” list varies depending on the season. One day volunteers might be planting seeds, picking weeds, and pruning blueberry bushes. The next week might require tending to the beehives and mowing the lawn.
For more information email Dale Snyder at dale.snyder@att.net